%0 Journal Article %T Global biochemical cycle of boron %A Park, H. %A Schlesinger, W. %J Global Biogeochemical Cycles %D 2002 %V 16 %F Park+Schlesinger2002 %O exported from refbase (http://www.uhydro.de/refbase/show.php?record=94), last updated on Tue, 21 Apr 2020 11:05:52 +0200 %X The global Boron (B) cycle is primarily driven by a large flux (1.44 Tg B/yr) through the atmosphere derived from seasalt aerosols. Other significant sources of atmospheric boron include emissions during the combustion of biomass (0.26-0.43 Tg B/yr) and coal, which adds 0.20 Tg B/yr as an anthropogenic contribution. These known inputs to the atmosphere cannot account for the boron removed from the atmosphere during rainfall (3.0 Tg B/yr) and estimated dry deposition (1.3-2.7 Tg B/yr). In addition to atmospheric deposition, rock weathering is a source of boron (0.19 Tg B/yr) for terrestrial ecosystems, and humans mine about 0.31 Tg B/yr from the Earth's crust. More than 4.8 Tg B/yr circulates in the biogeochemical cycle of land plants, and about 0.53-0.63 Tg B/yr is carried from land to sea by rivers. The biogeochemical cycle of boron in the sea includes 4.4 Tg B/yr circulating in the marine biosphere, and an annual loss of 0.47 Tg B/yr to the oceanic crust via a variety of sedimentary processes that collectively remove only a small fraction of the total annual inputs to the oceans. Thus with our current understanding of the global biogeochemistry of B, the atmospheric budget shows outputs > inputs, while the marine compartments show inputs > outputs. Despite these uncertainties, it is clear that the human perturbation of the global B cycle has more than doubled the mobilization of B from the crust and contributes significantly to the B transport in rivers. %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2001GB001766 %P 1072