PT Journal AU Nadler, A Magaritz, M Mazor, E TI Chemical reactions of sea water with rocks and freshwater: Experimental and field observations on brackish waters in Israel SO Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta PY 1980 BP 879 EP 886 VL 44 IS 6 DI 10.1016/0016-7037(80)90268-9 AB Four major processes are observed to take place in the coastal aquifer of Israel, detectable even in the short times of water contact with the carbonate-containing host rocks. Three are chemical reactions, Ca2+-Mg2+ exchange, Na+-Ca2+ or Na+-Mg2+ base exchange, SO2−4 reduction and the fourth is dilution by freshwater. These reactions and their effects on the chemical composition of the waters were demonstrated experimentally. The range of chemical changes observed in the laboratory experiments overlap the range of the studied natural waters. This indicates that simulation of geologically long-term rock-water interaction could be achieved in laboratory experiments even at low temperatures. ER