Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering (Bachelor)

Hydrology and Water Management

This lecture is given every semester at Technische Hochschule Lübeck for Civil Engineers (3rd semester) in German. The lecture comprises 4 hours (two blocks) including exercises.

Engineering Hydrology

Engineering hydrology is an advanced lecture for civil engineers (bachelor) during the summer semester with a focus on hydrology, water, environment and geotechnics. This lecture introduces on hydrological modeling with statistical, conceptual and physical approaches. The lecture is given in English and forms part of the English track for environmental and civil engineers (bachelor). It also conveys the principles of reproducible research with R and markdown.

Integrated Water Management

This lecture is given during the summer semester only for students of the course environmental engineering at the applied science department. The lecture introduces hydrology, urban water management, water treatment and open channel hydromechanics. It forms part of the English track for TH Lübeck and international students.

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