Master Courses (BM/WEM/MAEH)

Water Engineering Master and Master of Applied Ecohydrology

Higher Mathematics and Research Methods (Winter)

In this lecture scientific methods for the Water Engineering Master are introduced. The course comprises scientific computation for multi-parameter optimization (linear algebra), multiple regression, calibration methods, differential equations for environmental systems and their analytical and numerical solutions, statistical methods and machine learning techniques.

Simulation and Modeling (Winter)

The master course includes modeling of water quality, transport modeling in rivers and lakes, groundwater flow and transport modeling, solute transport in aquifers for the restoration of aquatic systems and water engineering with corresponding techniques. The course introduces the use of Python for hydrological modeling.

Hydrological Engineering (Summer)

The course introduces principles and methods of sustainable water resources management for the Master Water Engineering. The course includes water resources assessment and the necessary hydrological background on processes and water balances, integrated water resources assessment, flood and drought risk assessment, management and mitigation and planning for environmental hydrology.

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