English Track

We offer an English Track (ET) at TH Lübeck in the department of civil engineering jointly with the department of applied sciences. The English track comprises 4 (completed) + 1 (in development) courses and is offered during the summer semester with a focus on environment and water. We are working on completing the English track with 5 courses during the winter semester with a focus on construction, material, business and operation. The courses are mostly for higher semesters after the third semester.

During the summer semester we offer the following courses:

  • Integrated Water Management: This course introduces Hydrology, Hydromechanics (focus on open channels), waste water treatment and (urban) water management. The course is given for environmental engineers at the department of applied sciences but is open for other students as well. The course includes a practical training.
  • Geographic Information Systems: This introductory course introduces the use of GIS in environmental and civil engineering.
  • Engineering Hydrology: This introduces hydrological rainfall-runoff modeling, methods of engineering hydrology, linear and multiple regression, optimization and fitting of hydrological models, operational flood prediction, inverse methods and water balance modeling. It uses R and also introduces modern research methods in hydrology and hydrological engineering.
  • Hydrochemistry: The use of hydrochemistry and of tracers in hydrology is introduced. The lecture follows the processes of the hydrological cycle and introduced the dominant processes of atmospheric water (gas dissolution and aerosols), of soil water (sorption and metals) of groundwater (dissolution of mineral phases and redox processes) and of rivers (dispersion and reactive transport).


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